Peer Programs
MHA’s peer programs offer support and advocacy to people who are living with mental illness delivered by peer specialists with lived experience who have achieved significant recovery to assist others in their recovery journeys. Peer specialists model recovery, teach skills and offer supports to help people experiencing mental health challenges lead meaningful lives in the community.
Harlem Bay Network PROS
Harlem Bay Network PROS (Personalized Recovery Oriented Services) is a comprehensive recovery program that integrates treatment, support, and rehabilitation services that assist individuals to reach their full potential. The program plays an important role for people whose lives have been disrupted by mental illness and need the support of others who believe that recovery from mental illness is possible. Harlem Bay PROS creates hope, recovery, and increased opportunities for community involvement and integration, through skill development, psychiatric care, education, employment, housing, and social supports.
Older Adult ACT Team
The Older Adult ACT (Assertive Community Treatment) Program is a comprehensive treatment, rehabilitation, case management and support program, that facilitates older adult’s independence and recovery. The program is designed for older adults with mental illness whose needs have not been well met by other service delivery approaches. Staffed by a mobile team, the program offers person-centered planning, reintegration into the community, and active participation in normal developmental life roles.