May 17, 2024  — Categorized in:

Connecting Lives: Strengthening Families for a Brighter Tomorrow

“Family Link Plus has changed my life. I feel like I have put in the work and know what steps I need to move forward.” – Crystal Willis, Family Link Plus Participant

Helping Families Get Back on Track:

“Family Link Plus offered the resources and support from trained staff that my family and I needed to help us feel whole again. I came to the program after experiencing an altercation with my ex-boyfriend that necessitated the involvement of law enforcement. As a result, I was in and out of court fighting for the custody of my children. It was a lot to deal with as a person and mother. Family Link Plus helped me cope. Each week, a staff member meets with my kids and me, either at their office or at our home, getting to know our story and our unique needs. Together, we feel like one big family on this journey to recovery. Sometimes, our visits are simply check-ins, ensuring that the kids are thriving at school and that I have the emotional support I need to be the mom, friend, and colleague life asks of me.

About Vibrant’s Family Link and Family Link Plus:

We operate two preventative programs in New York State: Family Link, also known as our Family Connections program, and Family Link Plus, which goes by the name Family Treatment and Rehabilitation (FTR) program. Family Link is focused on child welfare, taking charge of cases involving educational neglect, medical neglect, domestic violence, and concerns related to corporal punishment. Family Link Plus steps in when families are dealing with mental health or substance use challenges that are affecting their parenting. This program also extends support to families with children facing emotional or behavioral needs, as well as those who have encountered issues with alcohol or drugs.

Family Link Family Connections:

At Vibrant’s Family Link, our Family Connections team collaborates closely with families to craft personalized service plans and link them up with the specific support they might require. This includes access to services like supportive counseling, parenting classes, support groups, mental health and substance use treatment, housing advocacy, financial literacy guidance, immigration support, assistance in meeting a child’s developmental needs, and help navigating social service systems. Our goal is to empower parents and caregivers to establish, nurture, and sustain healthy and secure environments for their children. Through our preventive services, we work hand-in-hand with families, reinforcing and fortifying their foundation so they can tackle any challenges that come their way.

Family Link Plus:

Our Family Link Plus program is designed to assist families navigating parenting challenges stemming from mental health or substance use issues. This program is a lifeline for parents and caregivers grappling with concerns in these areas, offering both support and resources. We also extend our expertise to children and teens with emotional and behavioral needs or those who have encountered issues with alcohol or drugs. Our intensive and youth-friendly care is tailored to reach even the most challenging cases, effectively connecting hard-to-reach teens with the services they need while also enhancing their relationships with family members. Family Link Plus facilitates access to supportive counseling, parenting classes, domestic violence support services, immigration assistance, and support in meeting a child’s developmental needs for families in need.


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